Portuguese and Spanish version available here: https://www.mercojuris.com/59703/
The Blue Ocean Strategy is the simultaneous search for differentiation and low cost to open new market space and create new demand. It’s about creating and capturing uncontested market space, thereby making competition irrelevant. It is based on the view that market boundaries and industry structure are not a given and can be reconstructed by the actions and beliefs of industry participants.
In the classic book, Blue Ocean Strategy, Chan Kim & Renée Mauborgne coined the terms ’red ocean’ and ‘blue ocean’ to describe the market universe.
Our Blue Ocean test score indicates that we at ANNERI are thinking like blue ocean strategists. This indicates that we understand that creating new demands means focusing on non-customers, and not fighting for existing customers in the international market.
Our Global mindset is aligned with the ability to create new market space and drive innovation. Where restrictions can be transformed into opportunities.
With the market increasingly globalized, the challenges of market strategy for law firms, consultancies and also companies seeking to internationalize their products or services, become increasingly competitive and difficult.
Most people do not seek legal advice to resolve a legal problem. The percentage is 77% in the US, according to the 2019 World Justice Project Report.
In 2021, the same report shows that 74.2% of the countries covered by the Index suffered declines in government legal performance and 25.8% improved. Countries that experienced declines (74.2%) represent 84.7% of the world's population, or approximately 6.5 billion people. (WJP Rule of Law Insights 2021)
The countries with the greatest improvement in the rule of law in 2020-2021 were Uzbekistan (4.1%), Moldova (3.2%) and Mongolia (2.0%). The countries with the greatest decline in the rule of law were Belarus (-7.5%) and Myanmar (-6.3%). Nigeria, Nicaragua, Kyrgyz Republic and Argentina tied for the third biggest drop (-3.7%). (WJP Rule of Law Insights 2021)
What does this reflect?
With each passing year, after the Covid-19 pandemic, the War in Ukraine, and other social conflicts, aligned with global inflation, the crisis in the supply chain, and climate change, the advancement of Artificial Intelligence, Robotics and automation, makes that the most successful businesses are those that prioritize people, the world and the environment.
As companies went for a long period without worrying about people and, yes, about profits, there is a great competitive advantage in companies that were born with this concern.
Today, oceans and road routes are the biggest pollutants along with other factors, and international trade has faced major innovation challenges. Today it is no longer just customs, market analysis, society and tax laws to carry out successful international expansion.
Today we need to worry about due diligence, compliance, human rights, joint ventures and M&A’s with adherence. There are new pains arising every day, every moment.
When a company or law firm cares about people and humanity, they will leave the red ocean of extreme competitiveness, and find a blue ocean, whether in legal issues such as a blue ocean focused on the sustainability of maritime businesses, or the global market itself.
At ANNERI, we are convinced that this is the best strategy,andit is also the one that takes our existence beyond an established business. And that's how we implemented a green globalization strategy. Where the international expansion of companies, in addition to having legal advice and consultancy, has other complementary areas such as sustainable finance, innovation and technology, climate change and others.
I am Gilsanne Mutuku, Founder and CEO of ANNERI Company, a boutique consultancy company for international impact businesses, member of the UN Global Compact, World Economic Forum, EDB Singapore, Member of the Board of Directors of the Zenit Technology Park- UFRGS, Innovation Mentor and Sustainability at UNIDO (United Nations Industrial Development Organization) and Corporate Diplomat.
I have training and certification in Law, International Relations, Corporate Diplomacy, Innovation Mentoring, B2B Sales, Industrial and Digital Business, LGPD and GDPR, Industry 4.0, Climate Change, Internationalization, Agile Leadership, among others.